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  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine
  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine
  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine
  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine
  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine
  • Grupa za istraživanje vilinih konjica Bosne i Hercegovine

naslovna erjavecia 2017After six years, Balkan OdonatOlogical Meeting (BOOM) came back to the place were it started, to Slovenia. Few days ago the full report of the 7th Balkan OdonatOlogical Meeting was published in Slovene magazine Erjavecia. The 7th BOOM was organised by the Slovene Odonatological Society (Slovensko odonatološko društvo) between 4th and 11th August and gathered 32 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Macedonia, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia and Sweden. At 183 visited localities (168 with the present dragonflies) 48 species were recorded and 780 records collected.

The participants spent six full field days investigating dragonflies along two main regions of the country – Gorenjska region and Central Slovenia, while part of the field trip also included Notranjska region and neighboring Italy. At the mountain region of northwest Slovenia and wetland complex nearby Ljubljana, called Ljubljansko barje, they had an opportunity to see some of the most interesting species inhabiting Slovenia.

The PDF of the article is available here (the report is in Slovene language).

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