Dok je prošle godine fokus bio na rijekama, ove godine smo radili istraživanje vilinih konjica jezera Nacionalnog parka Sutjeska. Početkom avgusta smo obišli pet jezera koja se nalaze na teritoriji Parka (Gornje bare, Donje bare, Crno jezero, Bijelo jezero i Orlovačko jezero) i pri tome zabilježili ukupno 26 vrsta vilinih konjica.
Među zabilježenim vrstama posebno su interesantne vrste vezane koje su na Balkanskom poluostrvu primarno vezane za planinska staništa i spadaju među rijetke vrste. To su prije svega Coenagrion hastulatum, Aeshna grandis, Aeshna juncea, Somatochlora metallica i Sympetrum flaveolum.
Cilj istaživanja je da se utvrdi prisutnost, brojnost i stanje populacija ovih vrsta, te daju smjernice za dalje istraživanje i upravljanje ovim osjetljivim ekosistemima i njihovu dugoročnu zaštitu.
Istraživanje je realizovao Centar za životnu sredinu, a pored istraživanja insekata provedena su i istraživanja biljaka, ptica i mekušaca, kao i detaljna limnološka istraživanja.
Continued research of dragonflies in National Park Sutjeska
While last year the focus was on the rivers, this year we have conducted research of the dragonflies of the lakes in National Park Sutjeska. In early August we visited five lakes that are on the territory of the Park (Gornje bare, Donje bare, Crno jezero, Bijelo jezero i Orlovačko jezero) and recorded a total of 26 species of dragonflies.
Among the recorded species, the particularly interesting species are those that are rare in the Balkans, where they are primarily related to mountain habitats, such as: Coenagrion hastulatum, Aeshna grandis, Aeshna juncea, Somatochlora metallica and Sympetrum flaveolum.
The goal of the research is to determine the presence, abundance and population status of these species, and provide guidance for further investigation and management of these sensitive ecosystems and their long-term protection.
The survey was conducted by the Center for Environment, and in addition to research of insects were carried out and research of plants, birds and mollusks, as well as detailed limnological research.