Ovog proljeća smo u Posavini pronašli veliki broj novih lokaliteta za vrste Erythromma najas i Epitheca bimaculata, do sada rijetko bilježene vrsta u Bosni i Hercegovini. Projekat istraživanja sjeverne Bosne nastavljamo i tokom jeseni uz podršku organizacije International Dragonlfy Fund.
E. najas je do sada smatrana relativno rijetkom vrstom u BiH. Radi o proljetnoj vrsti koja je najbrojnija tokom maja mjeseca. S obzirom da je većina istraživanja u BiH rađena tokom ljetnog perioda to je bio glavni razlog što ova vrsta do sada nije često bilježena kod nas. Pored toga u BiH živi i srodna i puno češća vrsta, Erythromma viridulum koja dominira većim dijelom godine i koju je lako zamijeniti sa E. najas.
E.bimaculata je donedavno u BiH bila poznata samo na osnovu istorijskog nalaza starog više od stotinu godina. Zbog kratke i rane sezone leta, kao i zbog toga što uglavnom leti dalje od obale većih stajaćih voda, opažanja ove vrste su znatno rjeđa od njene stvarne distribucije. Ovogodišnja istraživanja potvrdila su da je E. bimaculata zapravo rasprostranjena i prilično brojna vrsta širom sjeverne Bosne.
This spring in Posavina region we found a large number of new sites for the species Erythromma najas and Epitheca bimaculata, until now rarely recorded species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research project of northern Bosnia will be continued during the autumn with the support of International Dragonfly Fund.
Until now, E. najas was considered as a relatively rare species in BiH. This is a spring species which is the most numerous during May. Given that most research in BiH were conducted during the summer period, it was the main reason why this species hasn’t been recorded often. Besides this, in BiH lives related and much more common species, Erythromma viridulum that dominates most of the year and that is easily confused with E. najas.
Until recently, a record of E.bimaculata for Bosnia and Herzegovina was known only on the basis of the historical data more than a hundred years old. Due to the short and early flight season and because the species usually flies away from the coast of larger stagnant waters, observations are much rarer than its actual distribution. This year's research has confirmed that E. bimaculata is actually quite widespread and numerous species along the northern Bosnia.
Stanište vrste Epitheca bimaculata u blizini Srbca / Habitat of Epitheca bimaculata near Srbac