Zahvaljujući Rufford fondaciji od 2013. godine smo tokom projekta istraživanja vilinih konjica Hercegovine imali na raspolaganju i čamac koji nam je mnogo pomogao prilikom terenskog rada u močvarama Hutovog blata. U maju mjesecu sa čamcem smo pregledali tršćake Svitavskog jezera, Deranskog jezera i rijeke Krupe u potrazi za rijetkim i ugroženim vrstama vilinih konjica koje naseljavaju mediteranko područje Hercegovine, prije svega vrsti Lindenia tetraphylla.
With the help of the Rufford Foundation that supported acquisition of a boat, our research of dragonflies in the Herzegovina region was much easier. In 2013 with this boat we were able to inspect hardly accessible readbeds in Hutovo blato Nature Park in the area of Svitavsko and Deransko Lakes and along the Krupa River. The main goal was the research of population of rare and thraetened dragonfly species, particularly Lindenia tetraphylla.