5th Balkan OdonatOlogical Meeting – Announcement and registration info
The Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) and Biology Students' Research Society (BSRS) together with Slovene Odonatological Society (SOD) organize the Fifth Balkan Odonatological Meeting (BOOM 2015) that will take place in Republic of Macedonia from 7th to 15th August 2015.
We also invite the participants to present their findings and work on Odonata with their own lectures. Both amateur and professional odonatologists are invited, with students from the Balkan as the main public. Participants from other countries are very welcomed to join the meeting as well.
Registration fee will be 70 EUR for students and unemployed graduated biologists and 120 EUR for others (60 EUR and 110 EUR for the participants who will present their research on dragonflies). For those who would join us only partly, daily fee will be 20 EUR.
The fee includes at least accommodation, 3 meals per day (breakfast, brunch, dinner), organization expenses and T-shirt and is payable on the arrival. In case we provide some additional funding, the registration fee may be lower.
If interested, please complete the registration form you will find here.
The deadline for the registration is 30.6.2015. Please keep in mind that the number of participants is limited.
Detailed information about the program will be sent to participants after the deadline for the registration. For all additional information please feel free to contact us by e-mail: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.